Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rand Paul, Obstructionist

There’s probably no more an obstructionist senator in the 112th Congress than Republican (of course) from Kentucky (of course) Rand Paul. He has a nasty habit of adding off-topic amendments to various legislation. His latest idiocy is wanting to add to an important bill on flood insurance an amendment that life begins at conception. Called the Life at Conception Act, Paul’s amendment to the National Flood Insurance Program “ensure[s] equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person.” (Unclear is who becomes accountable if that “preborn human person” is denied “the right to life” by, say, a miscarriage.) Fortunately, Senate Majority Leader Henry Reid (Democrat) has basically (and rightly) called Paul an asshole and is refusing to vote on the amendment. Unfortunately, this might mean that the flood insurance bill – supported by many Republicans as well as Democrats – may not come to a vote. I wish someone would introduce a Sanity in the Senate Act. But I’m sure Senator Paul would find some unrelated amendment (say, the Why Don’t We Just Require All Women Who Have Sex For Reasons Other Than Procreation To Wear Chastity Belts (and I’ll Keep the Keys) Act?) to propose.

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