Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Car Chases and Explosions

It’s becoming more and more difficult for me to see any movies. A few years ago, I made a vow not to watch any films that featured car chases and explosions in their advertising. For the most part, that’s worked fairly well, I’ve avoided a number of movies that I can’t imagine I would like, and the couple with explosive promotion I did see I didn’t like. But it’s becoming more difficult as apparently more and more films are at least advertising explosions in promoting their films. Currently there are three films I’d be interested in seeing, but the ads all have car chases and fiery explosions:

Mission Impossible 4

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Sherlock Holmes 2

I’ve always been a fan of character films, quiet films, not action films. Action films are essentially cartoons – adrenalin inducers, not thought inducers, pabulum escape, not reflection, roller coasters, not carrousels. I’ll probably see all of these films, and I might actually like a couple of them, at least for what they are. But what they are is what I fear too many films are becoming – thrill via technology, bangs and motion, CGI, not writing or acting. Yes, I’m out of my time. But I don’t have to like it.

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