Monday, November 7, 2011

Raise the Cain

I find myself somewhat conflicted about Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s current predicament. On the one hand, I have a certain sympathy for his being a presidential candidate caught in a scandal, waffling about the facts for the first few days, then refusing to answer questions once specific allegations come forth that tend to corroborate the stories of four different women, unknown to one another, who tell stories of numerous incidents of unwanted “sexual advances” over a period of time that would probably appear in the police blotter as sexual harassment, rape if it had been completed, slime any way you look at it. On the other hand, he’s a hero of the Tea Party who is a lying, weasly, ignorant, reprobate puppet of the Koch brothers, whose unvetted past is beginning to emerge as a soulless, corporate hack, who abuses his power by abusing women sexually (and we don’t know how many others in how many other different ways) and can only attack “the media” who report the facts that they pull out from under his moss-covered rock. I can certainly understand the conflict that Republicans must be faced with, between supporting a strong fiscal conservative business executive, with no knowledge of domestic governing, foreign policy, or much of anything else, and his apparent penchant for sexual harassment and lying. Sounds like the perfect Republican candidate. Glad I don’t have to worry about it.

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