Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kim & Kris Get Married. And Divorced. And Then Maybe Back Together.

I’ve been thinking about the pending divorce (and maybe reconciliation), after only 72 days of marriage, of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humpries, and what I’ve been thinking is who are these people and why should anyone care a rat’s ass? From what I read (and I try to read as little as possible about them) I gather that Kim is famous for, well, being famous. There might also be handbags and/or sunglasses involved, but those are accessories, and I can’t figure out what they’re accessories to. Something suspiciously circular about the whole business. Kris (an alliteratively convenient name for headline writers) is apparently a star professional basketball player for the Minnesota Whatever-they-are, but I’ve had absolutely no interest in professional basketball since long ago when it became a game played by giant mutants, running up and down the court, slamming the ball through the basket as if jamming a cantaloupe into a trashcan, with no subtlety, finesse, strategy, or anything else that makes a sport interesting. There is also, reportedly, a reality TV show that features this odd relationship, but I don’t watch reality shows; I have too much reality in my own life, thank you very much, I don’t need to check into anyone else’s. I suspect, though, that the key to understanding this most recent tumor on our cultural pancreas is the TV show. You just can’t help but think that the whole wedding and divorce and now attempted reconciliation are all part of a scripted plot line. Sweeps month is, after all, from October 28th through November 24th. And the divorce announcement came on October 31st. Halloween. Coincidence?

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