Monday, October 10, 2011

Here Comes Santa Claus

We went to Lowe’s this afternoon, and an ominous portent met us as we walked from the parking lot. There, lined up next to the entrance, were about a dozen shiny, bright red snow blowers. Early October, 78 degrees, shorts and t-shirts – and they’re already pushing snow blowers. Inside the front door, stretching the length of the first aisle, were another 20-some snow blowers. And on three shelves behind them were artificial Christmas trees and assorted lights and ornaments. In another aisle were welcome mats in various Christmas-related designs. Not that I went looking for them, but as we walked around the store I didn’t see any displays for Halloween paraphernalia (more appropriate for October, one would think), nor anything peddling Thanksgiving (still more than two months away, but a month nearer than Christmas). It’s easy to jump on retailers for pushing Christmas on us earlier and earlier, but only because they make it easy. It still makes me shiver, though, to see displays of snow blowers, Christmas trees, and ornaments when it’s 78 degrees and I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I’d feel better if they’d wait until I was in jeans, sweater, and gloves. Maybe then I’d stop and take a look at those snow blowers.

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