Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Northern Light Overlook Trail

The North Shore Hiking Guide describes it as “Difficult but short.” A more accurate description of the Northern Light Overlook Trail off the Gunflint Trail north of Grand Marais would be “Difficult, almost vertical, one-half-mile climb that seems infinite, over exposed roots, sharp rocks, large outcroppings, moss and mud. The breeze will disappear soon after you leave the parking lot and begin the climb through the woods. A variety of bugs will welcome you, keep you constant company, and suck your blood. Take water so you can at least feel like you’re doing something to survive. Also take identification, just in case. If you think the trek up is tough, be prepared for the lack of sure footing on the way down. Note that you’re the only one on the trail. There’s a reason for this.”

But the guide does get one thing right: “Outstanding vistas in several directions above Northern Light Lake.”

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