Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why I'm Not on Twitter

This is what I would tweet if I tweeted: has gone subscription, but still reading everything w/out problem. Maybe cause I’m long-timer?

Pain recently in “good” knee on morning walk. Osteoarthritus. Being (used to be “getting”) old sucks.

To Hy-Vee. Cod, soy sauce, rice vineg, ginger, scallions, cilantro, cuc. Poached cod, rice, cuc salad for dinner.

Finished lunch of cheese and crackers. Crumbs on chair and floor again.

Need to clean garden of last year’s detritus. But it can wait till tomorrow. Or Mon. Advantage, retirement.

I’m reading three books simultaneously, all nonfiction. But I find fiction . . . contrived? by definition?

Broke fingernail opening beer can. Super Glued it.

Cubs win! False hope once more. Season’s young. Plenty of room for disappointment.

Finally doing two weeks of neglected laundry. Three loads. Folding something to do while watching 5:30 news.

Forgot this afternoon’s blood pressure meds again. No auto reminder like coffee for am meds.

9pm and tired, trying to hold out until 10 so I don’t wake up in the middle of night again. Nothing on TV.

9:30pm – guess I’ll go to bed.

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