Tuesday, April 19, 2011

November in April

A cold rain and wind this morning on my walk. 36° (“feels like 28°”). I adjust my route to avoid the northeast wind as best I can. The tulips, opened over the weekend, are closed again, confused. North of here there is sleet and snow, roads are slick (“travel not advised”), the schools are closing this afternoon. My plan tomorrow was to drive to Des Moines for a noon Iowa Cubs game, but the forecast, which was for 60° and sunny two days ago, is now cloudy, 50°, and windy (and that 50° will no doubt happen in the mid-afternoon if it happens at all); the plan will probably not hold up. I hung the snow shovel in the garage yesterday. But I still haven’t drained the gas from the snow blower. You can’t be too wary in April in Iowa.

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