Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Donald Trump, Clown Candidate

Probably the most humorous sidebar to today’s release of Obama’s “official long-form birth certificate” (although there are many) was Brian Williams’s introduction to the story this evening on the NBC Nightly News, when he misread the prompter and referred to Obama’s birth certificate as a “Gift Certificate.” But then there is also the idiot billionaire candidate clown Donald Trump who stepped off his helicopter in New Hampshire and claimed credit for the release of the certificate (finally!) – "Today I am very proud of myself because I have accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish" – before adding, “Now, we have to look at it, we have to see, is it real” – and then stepping into a new goofy conspiracy theory about Obama’s education – "How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" he asked the Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records." He continued darkly, "There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about our president." There certainly aren’t many questions unanswered about The Donald. He’s a publicity whore who will say or do anything to get attention from a more than willing pimp media. But the saddest side of this tale is how many people still buy into this bile (one is one too many), diverting the debate in this country from what we should be talking about (three wars, a recession, record joblessness, debt and deficit?) and to a quest for face-time on the cable news networks. If the Book of Revelation were to be written today, it would have to include at least a few verses devoted to the fifth horseman of the Apocalypse, Fox News.

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