Saturday, July 28, 2012

The XXX Olympics

I was browsing the TV listings today and saw that there were a number of programs covering the “XXX Olympics.” Woh, I thought, NBC is really scraping the bottom for ratings. Are all participants going to be naked? Women’s beach volleyball has been virtually naked for years. That’s the only reason it’s popular. And male swimmers have been wearing swimsuits that would be covered by the bellies of most normal males. But is this XXX Olympics going further? Personally I have no desire to see naked weight lifting (as Jerry Seinfeld said, “Squatting naked is not good naked,” especially squatting fat guys), gymnastics (only a very few young women can carry off naked splits), and certainly not wrestling (although there’s always seemed a homo-erotic quality to the sport). Other sports – archery, boxing, fencing – might add an uncomfortable threat of injury if they go nude. No, I just might have to sit out this Olympiad. In two years, the winter Olympics will be on, but it will be only number XXII. And I can’t imagine athletes even attempting naked alpine skiing, ice hockey, ski jumping, or curling. Well, maybe curling.

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