Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fishing Without Fish

It’s a good thing I don’t fish to catch fish. It would be frustrating otherwise. Out on the water today, water the lowest I’ve seen it in 25 years, three weeks of no rain and temperatures in the 90s and 100s, there was little chance of catching fish. Or even seeing fish. The only positive was that there was no one else on the water. I had the fishless stream to myself. To fools come the reward of solitude. Though  I spent more time walking to and through and beside and from the water than wading in it, flailing my fly rod to no effect, there was no end to the plants in bloom, the birds surprised by my presence, the dragonflies flitting along the path and by the shore. And it was easy to keep reminding myself – it’s a good thing I don’t fish to catch fish.

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