Thursday, March 15, 2012

Movies Today

As I watch all the previews for movies on TV these days, I’m beginning to think I may not be able to see another movie ever again. Or at least not another movie in the theater. A couple of years ago I vowed not to see any movie that featured explosions in its advertising. That increasingly became a lot of movies. Recently I’ve added CGI monsters or violent car crashes or fantasy weirdness in general. I just want to watch movies about real people in real places dealing with real situations, something I might be able to relate to. I have no use for cartoons writ large on the movie screen. But that is apparently what we’re being given and I understand I’m not in the demographic for what passes for entertainment these days. The only comfort I take away is that I’m saving some amount of money in my retirement by not plopping down $10 for that crap. -- Hey! You kids get off my lawn!

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