Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston

More and more regularly I’m reminded just how out of touch I am with popular culture. So it’s been this past week following the death of Whitney Houston. While I was never a fan of the singer and sometime actress, I was aware of her talents and popularity. I was surprised, however, with the media reaction to her death. Beginning last Saturday night, cable news went almost 24/7 with various tributes, memorials, and interviews with friends, family, and fans. And in the past week I must have heard that first drawn-out line of the chorus – “And IIIIIIIIII will ALLLways love Youououououou-EWW-EWW-ouououou” – at least a couple dozen times a day until it went from its original haunting appeal to its current cloying peal. The funeral is today and it’s being covered for three hours live (despite it being the same shared feed, as well as streamed online) by CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, E!, and BET (with the strange title, “The Homegoing of Whitney Houston”). I’ve been tempted to voice criticism of what seems an overreaction, another hyped mourning of a celebrity for the sake of ratings. But I suspect it might be nothing more than another indication of my disconnect from popular culture. So I’ll just keep quiet.

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