Monday, August 15, 2011

A Secessionist President

Among the many lies sprinkled (with vigor) throughout his announcement of his run for the presidency, Texas Governor Rick Perry included the following (which he and his Repub cohorts have spouted numerous times): “We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. We need a president who protects and projects those values.” As The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” has pointed out, this crap is just . . . well, crap. Or perhaps given Perry’s Texas roots, bullshit. Or horseshit. Take your shit pick. He followed this up a couple of days later, foot firmly planted atop a hay bale at the Iowa State Fair, folksy as he could be (not very), declaring: “You want a president who is passionate about America, who loves America!” (Read: not Obama.) Beyond the complete speciousness of this bullshit (or horseshit) is that it’s coming from the “passionate” Governor of Texas who just two years ago, pandering to the idiots of the Tea Party, raised the possibility of Texas seceding from the Union:

Dressed in jeans, boots and a baseball cap with a camouflage peak and a hunting outfitter's logo [how Cabelas], the Texas governor was one of the few major politicians to appear at the tea parties across the country. While crowds yelled "Secede! Secede!," Perry — 60 but telegenic and youthful — thought out loud that secession might be the outcome if Washington does not mend its "oppressive" high-spending, dictatorial ways.

Yeah, that’s the kind of “telegenic and youthful” (60+?) president “who loves America” we need in office — someone who sees secession as a viable option. His campaign slogan should be “Jefferson Davis and Perry too!” More sad is that he’s not the worst of the waste that’s polluting the Republican presidential candidates flaying about here in Iowa this early election season. Most sad is that he and his batshit Repub allies are getting the support they’re getting. If this country is headed into the shitter, these are the Pied Pipers leading the way.

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