Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ugly American

When we firmed up our plans to travel to Barcelona several months ago, my goal was to spend a certain amount of time most every day for the past couple of months to learn at least the basic phrases of Spanish or Catalan that could get us around the city, through the airport or metro, in restaurants, walking the streets. That was the aspiration. But of course while I downloaded several basic language programs, I did absolutely nothing to advance my knowledge of the language until a couple of days ago, when I finally learned the following key phrases: No hablo espanol; Habla ingles?; and Donda esta el bano? (there are some accent marks strange to me in those phrases, but they wouldn’t help me in pronunciation). I’m just hoping those three phrases can get me through a week in Spain. But I’ve also read that English is spoken to some extent in many of the tourist areas where we’ll be. So hopefully my three phrases will get us through. At least I’m trying not to be the ugly American I am.

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