Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bad Feet

For the past week or so I’ve had bad feet. My right ankle may be sprained. My left foot has what I suspect is a neuroma, a tumor on a nerve between the metatarsals. I sometimes limp on my left foot, and sometimes on my right. When both are in pain, I limp on both, which doesn’t look to be limping at all, just a slow waddle, an old man with two bad feet. Coming down the stairs in the morning, I’m Walter Brennan in The Real McCoys (and if you don’t get that allusion to age infirmity then you’re just not old enough, and should be glad).

This is one of the things that’s fucked about getting old. There are so many different aches and pains that you don’t know what to think about any of them. Do you have an injury? A disease? Should you see a doctor? Or are you just a decrepit old fart who should shut up and shuffle along, or just lie down, quit whining, and die already? For now, I choose to whine, complain about the pain, and rage against the age. What do we have if we don’t have that?

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