Saturday, September 17, 2011

Football TV

The football TV shows – college and pro – are back on the air in this fall season, and once again they have kicked the news – local and national – off our screens for the next five or six months. It’s a strange message the networks send us: For six or seven months, the world, national, and local news continues its consequence, its import throughout the weekend. But once the football season starts, it’s as if all that’s significant retreats into hibernation, replaced by what’s really important, physical mutants trying to maim one another for the edification of those of us who think these contests hold some worth (which they potentially do for those who bet on them (or broadcast them)). What’s on TV is what we value. I may loath it. But here I sit, watching it. Just one more unwitting idiot with a flat-screen HD TV and too much time on his hands.

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