Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to India

I’ve been in India (New Delhi right now) for only about eight hours but I’ve already formed a cultural/social question I’m going to have pursue: Are the Indian people inherently friendly and helpful (to the point of obsequiousness), or is it a product of entrenched class structure and British colonial rule? From the gentleman sitting next to me on the plane from Chicago (who is an American born in India), to our driver from the airport to the hotel, to the hotel staff (I just had a couple of cups of coffee and cookies in the middle of the night (24 hour restaurant), not being able to sleep, and when I asked for the bill was told that it was gratis because I was a guest of the hotel). This is just the first (night) of nine days, but if this keeps up I might just have found a new favorite country – and people.

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