Friday, August 20, 2010

"Ground Zero Mosque"

Of course, the whole flap over an Islamic mosque in lower Manhattan (actually a cultural center with a room for prayer) is silly and wholly political (redundant?). Now that those who oppose the cultural center agree that the Muslims who want to build it have a Constitutional right to do so (kind of hard to get around this tiny matter), they are now arguing that the center shouldn’t be built near “ground zero” (where, they do not say) because it would be “insensitive” to the relatives of the victims — including the Muslim victims? — of the 9/11 attacks. But isn’t arguing against the construction of the center on the basis of “insensitivity” — the conflating of the Islam religion with the Al Qaeda terrorists — “insensitive” to the billion-plus Muslims that had nothing to do with 9/11 and have condemned the attacks? All that the opposition to the center reveals is the opponents’ intellectual and emotional (and political) inability to separate the extremist Al Qaeda from mainstream Islam. If not their bare religious and ethnic bigotry.

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