Saturday, July 31, 2010

CSA Week 13

We picked up our Week 13 (just over halfway through) CSA share at the farmer’s market this morning, and we’ve moved from the early-season’s greens, asparagus, and wintered-over root vegetables to the iconic produce of the summer: This week’s box was packed with arugula, sweet corn, Caribe potatoes, broccoli, summer squash, peppers, garlic, sierra blanca onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sungold cherry tomatoes. Our weekly challenge continues to be coming up with menus that use as much of the produce as we can, all of it being the ultimate goal, though of course we always have holdover from the previous week or two to incorporate. There have already been a few dishes cooked and frozen to be resurrected later this fall or winter, and this last week I put up a couple of jars of pickles. On the other hand I have twice had to cut up and put half a bunch of greens that had gone bad into the compost (though that has been a small fraction of our overall share). (An additional advantage we’ve found is that next year’s compost should be quite rich with all the extra trimmings going in.) Tonight’s menu: kabobs of meatballs (with onion and pesto), squash, peppers, and onion; rice with assorted vegetables and greens; and a caprese salad:

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